Thursday, March 1, 2018

Applications for New Family Members

There are times, especially this week, when I really want to take applications for new family members. Not all of them of course; just some. Some aren't even new as those are currently vacant. So there's lots of growth for those lucky few who get spots. The current openings are: mother, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Please see the following adverts and questions and respond appropriately. There are limited positions left so act quickly!

For this position, we are looking for someone with good leadership skills. You do not need to have overly maternal instincts. You need to be able to talk to and treat all parties as adults. This means understanding that all parties are adults and understand those rights and responsibilities. They understand money, rent, being an adult, etc. and you won't look down or talk in a condescending tone about such matters. If they have questions or seem to not understand something, they will ask. You do have permission to ask as long as you consider previous statements.

Parties may not always agree with you, but that is life. You mustn't demean them or have the attitude of 'my way or the highway.' This attitude includes not threatening to disown or throw parties out to the street for having their own thoughts, beliefs, friends, activities, etc. Essentially, you're fine not getting your way and in fact, you prefer all parties take their own route.

You must be willing and open to talk about any subject.

You must:
Have exquisite listening skills.
Be encouraging.
Be able to ask questions that help all growth whilst not putting your thought upon them.

You must allow all parties the ability to make their own decisions.

Questions (please include in e-mailed response):
Do you have any other children? If so, please include names, ages, and genders

If your child was afraid to tell you something (like a college major), how would you encourage them to talk to you about it as well as encouraging them?

Would you insist your child do something they didn't want? Why?

Your child does legal activities that you don't approve. Why? How would you talk to them about these activities?

They also have friends you've never met but don't approve. Why? Have you talked to your child about them? Do you know anything about them?

What special skills and qualities do you bring to this position?

Why do you want this position?

Although one position is already held, we are looking for more siblings of all types.

We are looking for those who will look out for a sister. Someone who shares their interests with said sister. They must be able to answer questions, help with girl stuff (hair, makeup, etc), share comic books, etc. We are looking for people with whom to talk, laugh, have fun, and more.

If you are willing to be looked up to, will include siblings in events, be ones to be called at three in the morning, and be included in random events that take place at 11:58 pm on someone's birthday, we encourage you to apply.

You must be:
Open to listening
Able to answer questions that may not be asked of parental figures
Willing to be a sibling to an only child

Questions (please include in e-mailed response):
Do you have any other siblings? If so, include numbers, ages, and where you stand in sibling order.

What skills and interests do you bring? Sci-Fi/Fantasy knowledge, comics, music, etc.

What special skills and qualities do you bring to this position?

Why do you want this position?

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy 2018!

I just realized I haven't posted on here in ages! Hopefully that will change this year.

As I posted in my other blog, this year is all about downsizing. With crafts, that means I plan on making all the things! I have loads of yarn, floss, beads, drawing supplies, books, and more that I hope to use in this venture. I'm pretty much trying to create from what I have and spend as little as possible. I know I'll need to go get things on occasion. I usually try and look for sales, coupons, or go to Scrap Denton which is a fabulous place to find craft items. It's a non-profit place in Denton where you can both donate and buy craft items that include scrapbooking, yarn, jewelry, and fabric. They occasionally have great fabric sales. I just got some fiber the other day so I can learn to drop spindle and because my new faire character is a wool merchant's wife.

I've also been giving away yarn to various people for their projects. This is usually single skeins of yarn I inherited or got years ago so the colours aren't made anymore and I couldn't even tell you the brand. I actually got a hug from one person she was so excited by yarn she was!

I started a book of projects ideas and stitch patterns I want to use.

So I'll probably be busy this year and that's fine with me!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Book Review #1 (Wishlist Edition)

I'd thought I'd take some time today to review a couple of books that I'm in love with and want to own some day.

Book 1: Amigurime
The thing I love about this book is that it is a pick and choose pattern book. You can look through the book and find what you need for different people depending on what you want and there is no right or wrong. You just pick what you need for your person and go from there (as opposed to being limited to just a pattern). The possibilities are endless!

Admittedly, I'm REALLY excited about this book and can't wait to own my own copy! I'd love to get geeky and nerdy with this book. I mean, how cool would it be to have Kirk and Picard duke it out while Date and Spock discuss logic and Ryker and Bones have beer together. Or how about the Firefly crew? Or all 12.5 Doctors? Or Harry Potter characters? I mean, the list goes on for the fun things.

Book 2: Crochet for the Kitchen
This book is pretty self explanatory. Lots of things for the kitchen (obviously). I've already made a couple of lovely pot holders. There's some vintage pieces that I'd love to do and modern counterparts.

I love this book because of the different patterns really. I like having more than the basic dishcloth or teapot cozy from the 1970's or before.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wish/Donation List

Here's a lovely little wishlist of things should you be interested in donating items.
Solid colours from the following brands:
Red Heart
I Love This Yarn! (Hobby Lobby)
Lion Brand Homespun
Variegated from the following brands:
Red Heart
I Love This Yarn! (Hobby Lobby)
Team Spirit from Red Heart
Lion Brand Homespun

Gift Cards
Hobby Lobby
Crochet Hooks in sizes H, I, J, K, L, M, N
Knitting Needles (any length) in sizes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Circular Knitting Needles in sizes 8, 9, 10

There are quite a few books I'm interested in. Please look at my amazon wishlist at:


This is the place where you'll see all my stuff. Lots of pictures of what I'm currently making and selling. I'm really wanting to get to massage school. I will also have the wish/donation list at a later time.

I'm sure you're thinking, why massage? It's something I've been thinking about for awhile now. I like the idea of helping people in various ways- relax, relief from muscle pain, etc. Selfishly, I like the idea of the only reason my schedule changes is because of me and appointments. I like the idea of knowing ahead of time what my schedule will be and being able to set it. I also like the idea of being able to travel. It is a long term goal to become certified in several different states- Washington,
California, New Mexico, and Maine are amongst the top- as to be able to travel to and work in those places at either a spa or just sitting up a chair on the sidewalk.

Next, you're probably thinking, why now? Well, I just really think and feel like now is the time. I'm not overly happy with my current job and even less so with one or two of my coworkers. Besides, if I keep this off, I may never do it.

The school I want to attend is Ke Kino in Plano, TX. I chose this school-  after much deliberation and searching- because it includes chair and pregnancy massage as part of its curriculum. Also, all students start and end together, taking all the classes at the same time. Other schools offer starting whenever a class starts and only one class at a time.

The course itself- including the application fee- is roughly $4,700. So, that's a lot of scarves.

Thanks for stopping by!